I am exceedingly proud to let the world know that my Cantio Ruthenica CII
was performed last Sunday on the carillon of the tower of the Cavaliers'
Palace in Peterhof (a palace complex that was the summer residence of tsars near
St. Petersburg (it is now within the city limits)) by Olesya Rostovskaya,
Russia's foremost carillonist, thereminist, and postmodernist (and often
openly historicist!) composer. I don't have any films or recordings of it
yet, except of the Ghent carillon approximation - http://www.torban.org/ruthenicae/audio/259carillon.mp3 .
Some of you may remember that piece in its original version for Renaissance
lute filmed by Valery Sauvage (http://www.torban.org/ruthenicae/audio/CantioCII-sw.mp3).
Now there is a baroque lute version - http://www.torban.org/images/oj-uchora2.pdf http://www.torban.org/sounds/oj-uchora2.mp3